pregnancy week by week

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Name

We've been having a difficult time coming up with a name that Greg and I both really like (I'm the picky one), and I think we may have found one. We both really like Aubrey. I guess it used to be mostly a boy's name, but in the last several decades, it's pretty much become a girl's name. I'd never name my boy Aubrey. We're still working on a middle name-Aubrey Elizabeth? Aubrey Elise? Aubrey Ann? Aubrey Sue? Aubrey Kate? There are just so many options. If you think of another good one, let us know.

Kari isn't too keen on this new name idea, so hopefully she'll come around if we decide this is to be our baby girl's name.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Baby Girl

The ultrasound photos show we are having a girl! As I said on our blog, Kari is ecstatic. She knew it would be a girl. :) I'm not sure what we'll do about the name. We'll be thinking about it. I kind of thought we'd be having a boy, not that I really cared either way, but it just seemed like we should have a boy--a brother close in age for Joel, I have two brothers--but apparently God decided we should have a girl, and I'm excited about that! It's just still sinking in. Now I can move forward with planning rooms and all those fun things.

The baby had all the parts babies are supposed to have, and I was thankful to see that, too. I loved watching our little girl move around, curl her little fists near her face, tuck her knees up to her chest, and open and close her little mouth. What a wonderful gift God's given us.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

20 weeks and approx. 198 weeks old (Kari)

One of these months we'll get Joel in the photo, too.
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Saturday, October 6, 2007

Truckin' along

I don't have much to report, but I am happy to say I am still feeling good. It's great to have the nausea behind me. The baby is moving and kicking often these days. I can even feel it from the outside. The hip/sciatic nerve issues that plague me with every pregnancy have begun, but I haven't fallen down yet. :) (With Joel, I fell to the floor several times.) I just have to be careful when I stand up after sitting or lying down for a while.

Joel pats my belly and says "baby" now, and Kari still refers to the baby as "Suzanna Isabelle." Only about two more weeks until our ultrasound!