pregnancy week by week

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Stinky Beach

I do love the beach, but I've never noticed before how smelly it is. The first trimester is not the best time to be at the coast. I'm not sick all the time, by any means, but various smells (even normally yummy ones) can get to me at any time. Crab smell is definitely one that got to me. :) The guys had a great time crabbing all week. I really am glad they enjoyed it so much, but I'm also glad I don't have to smell it anymore. :) I have yet to actually throw up this time around but have come close. I don't usually throw up when I'm pregnant, just feel nauseous at times. I'm very thankful for that. (I don't know how you survive your pregnancies, Karina.)

So, how am I feeling? Fine! I have to take a nap pretty much every afternoon while the kids rest, and I'm constantly aware of food--food that sounds really good and food that sounds very bad--but really, I'm doing just fine. (Oh, and Jane, you'll be happy to know that yes, Joe's Donuts is one of the places I've been.) We visited the Tillamook Cheese Factory three times on our trip. I have a new favorite ice cream flavor--German chocolate cake. Too bad they don't sell it in the stores, or maybe that's a good thing.

Not too much exciting to report on this pregnancy yet, for which I'm am thankful. Just getting fatter! I can't post a photo yet because I'm not even 11 weeks and you're not supposed to show at this point, but I've got quite a pooch going already (especially after dinner). I'll wait a few more weeks until I'm "supposed" to look pregnant.

1 comment:

Curtis and Jane said...

Hee hee-we'll look forward to those pictures when the appropriate time has come and you're "supposed" to look pregnant. :)

Call you tomorrow!