pregnancy week by week

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

No Weight Gain

Yep, it's true. I went to my 28 week appointment yesterday, and I had gained no weight. It made total sense, though, because I've had the flu. The stomach flu is never fun, but it's worse when you're pregant. This is the second time in two weeks that I've been sick, and I have to take this opportunity to say what a wonderful, understanding, and caring husband I have.

Greg has been a trooper through it all. Monday night he checked on me often as I lay on the bathroom floor. He called the doctor and drove to the pharmacy in the middle of the night to get the anti-nausea medication. He had lots of work he needed to get done Tuesday, but he wrote emails and made phone calls so that he could stay home with us that next day. He took care of the kids the whole next day and evening, all the while checking in on me, giving me medicine, and making sure I had everything I needed--and he did all this on less than 2 hours of sleep.

I am so grateful to have a husband who loves me so much and keeps his vow to "love, honor, and cherish in sickness and in health." He is a devoted husband and father, and I love him very much. Now, just pray that he doesn't get sick from taking such good care of me!

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