pregnancy week by week

Friday, December 28, 2007

So sad

I failed the glucose screening test for gestational diabetes, as in totally flunked, not just a point or two over, so now I have to do the long test on Monday morning at the lab. We have all these yummy goodies in the house from Christmas, and I can't eat any of them! That's why I'm so sad. I have to follow a special (healthy) diet for the next three days before the test, and while the diet itself isn't bad, the fact that I can't have any chocolate is terrible! I love my sweets.

I thought maybe if I blogged about it, I be more likely to be good and not cheat. I really do want to have accurate results, so I need to be strong! The other thing I'm not excited about is I can't eat for 12 hours prior to the test, and since the test itself is 3 1/2 hours long, I won't be able to eat until almost lunch. (That's a near crisis for a pregnant lady.) In the grander scheme of things, this really is just a small inconvenience, and writing these words has made me feel better already. I can do it!

1 comment:

Mars said...

Oh, Andrea, thank stinks. I'm so sorry. I will eat some extra chocolate in your honor... :) Just kidding.
Hope you pass the next test.
I, too, failed that first glucose test when I was pregnant with Charlie, but then totally passed the long 3 1/2 hour one with no problem (then promptly went out and ate half a bag of hershey kisses...not recommended, but hey, it was a celebration!)
Love you and miss you,