pregnancy week by week

Friday, January 4, 2008

31 Week appointment

Everything's good. They got the results back from the lab, and I don't have gestational diabetes. Hooray!

Aubrey is quite lively. I never have to wonder if she's ok in there. She makes her presence known often, day and night. It kind of makes me wonder what kind of a baby she'll be. Joel was a wild one inside and was a pretty easy baby. Kari wasn't as wild but was colicky (the doctor's only explanation for her unhappiness and persistent screaming) her first 4 1/2 months of life. We'll see about this one!

1 comment:

Megan said...

That is so good to hear. I had to do that long test with my first pregnancy and it is NO FUN! Glad it is behind you and that the results were good.