pregnancy week by week

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Another Big One?

Just had my 32 week appointment and talked about my worries about delivering another big baby. I've had recovery issues with both kids--enough said. After the doctor measured me and saw I'm measuring bigger/further along than I actually am, he said he'd induce 7-10 days early if all is well. So, Aubrey could be born in February, maybe the 27th, 28th, or 29th (hopefully not the 29th, though, because I'd feel bad if she only had a birthday every 4 years). I'd prefer to go into labor on my own as I have with the other two, but I also don't want to be pushing out a 10 pounder either. Joel was 10 days early and he was 9 lbs. 4 oz. This stuff is just not an exact science. Maybe Aubrey is deceiving us all and is going to be a petite 7 pounder--I highly doubt it, since it feels like there's a big, strong baby in there, but it's possible.

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